
Winter PhotoWalks

Check back, walks not scheduled yet.

Photographers of all skill levels are welcome, with your choice of camera. On each photowalk, in the the Great Swamp watershed,  we’ll review some photography basics then set off. There is no fee for the photowalks.

grasses in foreground provide a frame for pond

Deer Pond Farm, Connecticut Audubon,

With an early start
we may find mist
raising up from the
pond’s surface.

Tick protection is encouraged for both locations. Each walk will be approximately 1.5-2 hours.

tall trees dominate a wooded path
Dense woods at Ray Lake
A winding carriage path curves through the woods
Wide paths make Deer Pond Farm an easy walk

Founded in 1990, the Friends of the Great Swamp (FrOGS) is a volunteer non-profit organization made up of residents and neighbors who have been working to preserve the Great Swamp Watershed of Putnam County and Dutchess County, New York. Learn more about FrOGS here (after you register!)

Please be sure to indicate which PhotoWalk, or both.

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